San Francisco’s Astrology Chart & What it Says About You

Rebecca M. Farrar, M.A.
8 min readApr 15, 2022

When I first moved to San Francisco, a homeless man on the bus told me everyone who resides here was once a part of Atlantis. At the time it was a stretch for me to imagine all of us existing in a now mythical underwater colony, but years later I seem to prefer leaning more towards esoteric explanations of this strange and magical city called San Francisco including astrology. It seems 13 years later I’m still trying to understand how this strange city changed me from a serious PR person to a full-time astrologer.

While mainstream astrology focuses on the birth charts of people as a way of understanding personality traits or patterns; cities, states, and countries also have charts that reflect aspects of their identity. And to be expected, San Francisco has a very interesting-a polite word for awkward-natal chart, which may or may not explain why any of us live here…or in some cases, couldn’t wait to leave.

For those unfamiliar with an astrology chart, aka birth chart or natal chart, it’s essentially a planetary snapshot of the moment you were born. The same exists for the moment a city becomes recognized as a city…like a birthday. Looking at the birth…



Rebecca M. Farrar, M.A.

Enchanted with Earth & Ether | M.A. Philosophy, Cosmology, Consciousness | Archetypal Astrologer & Writer |